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Muscle Physiology and Remedial Massage

Muscle massage

The Basics of Muscle Physiology

Structure of Muscle Tissues

Muscles play a crucial role in our bodies, enabling movement, providing support, and generating heat. They are made up of muscle fibers, which are further divided into myofibrils. These myofibrils contain repeating units called sarcomeres, responsible for muscle contraction. Muscle fibers are bundled together by connective tissues, forming a functional unit known as a muscle.

Types of Muscle Fibers

There are two primary types of muscle fibres: slow-twitch (Type I) and fast-twitch (Type II). Slow-twitch fibres are fatigue-resistant and primarily used for endurance activities, whereas fast-twitch fibres generate more power and are utilised in short, intense bursts of activity.

The Process of Muscle Contraction

Muscle contraction occurs through a process called the sliding filament theory. When a nerve impulse reaches a muscle fiber, it triggers the release of calcium ions, which then bind to specific proteins. This binding causes the myofilaments within the sarcomere to slide past one another, ultimately shortening the muscle and generating force.

Remedial Massage: An Overview

What is Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage is a therapeutic form of massage that aims to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as injuries and chronic pain. It involves the use of various techniques to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments, to alleviate discomfort, improve mobility, and promote overall well-being.

Techniques Used in Remedial Massage

Remedial massage therapists employ a range of techniques to address specific issues, including deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and stretching.

Benefits of Remedial Massage

Some of the benefits of remedial massage include pain relief, increased flexibility, improved circulation, reduced stress, and enhanced athletic performance.

The Connection Between Muscle Physiology and Remedial Massage

Understanding muscle physiology is vital for remedial massage therapists, as it allows them to identify and address the underlying causes of muscular issues. By targeting specific muscle fibres and employing the appropriate techniques, therapists can effectively alleviate pain, promote healing, and restore functionality.

Common Muscle-Related Problems Addressed by Remedial Massage

Muscle Strains and Tears

Muscle strains or tears often result from overexertion, poor technique, or inadequate warm-up. Remedial massage can help by reducing inflammation, promoting blood flow to the injured area, and facilitating the healing process.


Tendinitis is the inflammation of a tendon, often caused by overuse or repetitive movements. Remedial massage can alleviate pain and inflammation by targeting the affected tendon and surrounding muscles, improving flexibility and preventing further injury.

Trigger Points and Muscle Knots

Trigger points, or muscle knots, are tight areas within the muscle fibres that cause pain and restrict movement. Remedial massage techniques, such as trigger point therapy, can release these knots, alleviating pain and improving mobility.

Muscle Imbalances and Postural Issues

Muscle imbalances occur when certain muscles are overdeveloped while others are underdeveloped, leading to postural issues and discomfort. Remedial massage can help to restore balance by targeting specific muscle groups, promoting flexibility and proper alignment.

How Remedial Massage Supports Muscle Recovery

Remedial massage plays a crucial role in muscle recovery by improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting the removal of waste products. This increased blood flow delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to the muscles, supporting the repair and regeneration of damaged tissue.

Choosing the Right Remedial Massage Therapist

To ensure the best results, it is important to find a qualified and experienced remedial massage therapist. Look for therapists with proper certifications, ask for recommendations from friends or healthcare professionals, and read reviews to find a practitioner that meets your needs.

Precautions and Contraindications for Remedial Massage

While remedial massage is generally safe, there are some precautions and contraindications to consider. It is essential to inform your therapist of any medical conditions, injuries, or medications you are taking. Some conditions that may require caution or modification of massage techniques include pregnancy, cancer, blood clotting disorders, and acute inflammation.

Incorporating Remedial Massage into Your Wellness Routine

To maximize the benefits of remedial massage, consider incorporating it into your regular wellness routine. Regular sessions can help to prevent injuries, alleviate chronic pain, and support overall well-being.


Muscle physiology and remedial massage are closely interconnected, with a deep understanding of muscle function playing a vital role in effective therapeutic treatments. By addressing common muscle-related problems and promoting recovery, remedial massage can greatly improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance overall well-being.

The information provided is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as a replacement for professional medical advice. Magda Clinic is available to provide personalised consultations to help determine the suitability of this advice for your individual circumstances.


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